Safety responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai & mass prevention and governance to create safety
Release Date:2004-03-25
Source:Security Department

Recently, the Public Security Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Xinchang County held a meeting of the security section chiefs of key units throughout the county. The meeting was presided over by the instructor Lu Shaohua of the Public Security Police Brigade.

    Police Officer Gao Dingliang of the Public Security Police Brigade conveyed the spirit of the speech made by Deputy Director Zhang Jinghua at the public security organs in the province to rectify prominent public security issues and strengthen social prevention and control video and telephone conferences. Deputy Director Zhang pointed out that the province’s current public security problems are prominent and the public security situation is severe, especially gun-related crimes have increased significantly, street crimes are severe, street robberies are high, gang crimes by outsiders are prominent and localized, and pornographic gambling is spreading. Development trend, and has the characteristics of collectivization, violence, professionalization, and huge sums; requires all localities to adjust measures to local conditions, highlight key points, intensively rectify, increase efforts to combat pornography and gambling, prevent the magnetization of criminal forces, and effectively strengthen the management of the floating population, and strictly Internal unit safety management, conscientiously do a good job of safety protection for large-scale events, and implement public security prevention work.

    Police officer Tu Chuanxin commended the advanced collectives and advanced individuals in the security work of the Xinchang County Public Security Bureau in 2003. 24 units including the Zhongbao Enterprise Group were rated as advanced collectives in security work, and 32 security cadres including Ding Jinchao were rated as advanced individuals.

    Instructor Lu Shaohua used statistical data to objectively analyze the prominence of deliberate injury cases in the early stage of our county, the frequent occurrence of property infringement cases, the increase of mass incidents, the management of dangerous goods is still severe, and the unstoppable ugly activities. The county bureau set up a special task force for this purpose to intensify the rectification; at the same time, all units are required to actively carry out the centralized investigation of unstable factors, implement safety responsibilities, and take the safety production inspection as an opportunity to do a good job in prevention work, and timely and effectively formulate corporate security Work plan to ensure the safety of the jurisdiction. It is hoped that the participants will learn advanced, make persistent efforts, recognize the situation, and achieve better results.

    At the end of the meeting, the Ministry of Public Security notified the "Emergency Notice on Resolutely Containing Major Fire Incidents" and the City Bureau’s "Emergency Notice on Effectively Doing a Good Job in Safety Production and Social Stability"; the notice emphasized that all units must establish "Responsibility is more important than Mount Tai." The concept of political responsibility, with the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, strengthen publicity, education and training, enhance self-prevention and self-rescue ability, adhere to the "four do not let go", take responsibility in place, prevent serious accidents, and maintain social stability.