Responding to the challenges of WTO entry, exporting Seiki to Myanmar
Release Date:2003-10-25

[Rifa News]    With the gradual completion of various inspection and acceptance work, the equipment exported to Myanmar with a contract value of nearly 10 million yuan undertaken by the China National Complete Equipment Import and Export Corporation and undertaken by the Rifa Digital Corporation will arrive in Shanghai at the end of this month. Go abroad and settle in Yangon, Myanmar. This project is another major international project of Seiki's successful export of CNC equipment to Myanmar last year. It is part of the Myanmar aid project signed by Premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council.  

Rifa Equipment's successful entry into the Myanmar market once again indicates that the company has taken another crucial step in facing the challenges of entering the WTO, implementing technological innovation and developing international market strategies, and improving international competitiveness. The senior leaders of the company paid special attention to the project from the very beginning. In order to ensure the establishment of this brand, the quality of the project, and the completion of the project on time, quality, and quantity, a project quality director was specially set up at the final assembly site. Responsible for the overall quality of the project. With the cooperation of relevant departments, the assembly plant has overcome numerous difficulties and technical problems one after another, thoroughly solving the "three leaks" phenomenon in the design, and providing a guarantee for ensuring the smooth operation of Rifa machine tools in foreign countries.  

The total investment of the entire Myanmar aid project is about 160 million yuan. It aims to help the Myanmar government establish a production line for diesel engines and walking tractors. It mainly processes important and large parts such as the transmission body of the tractor, the cylinder head of the diesel engine body, and the valve core. In order to ensure the smooth operation of all CNC equipment on the production line (all provided by Rifa, including five horizontal machining centers RFMH50, three vertical machining centers RFMV80, and two CNC lathes), it also relies on Nanning Walking Tractor Factory and Changzhou Three technical counterparts of Diesel Engine Factory and Nanjing Steam Turbine Factory conducted sample test cutting of Rifa equipment (the quality of sample cut parts is currently under test). A few days ago, ten machines have passed the inspection by the National Machine Tool Quality Inspection Center and the acceptance team composed of Myanmar government officials, China National Complete Equipment Import and Export Corporation and related technical personnel. They fully meet the requirements of machine tool import and export and meet the quality standards.  

According to other sources, the Chinese government attaches great importance to the successful implementation of the project. After the Myanmar aid project is completed and put into production, national leaders will visit Myanmar in person. At present, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar is actively preparing for this matter.    

Another news: The technicians sent by the Myanmar side came to the company for a half-month machine tool operation