Guidelines for scientific protection of novel coronavirus pneumonia
Release Date:2020-02-24

Section 1 Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Infection

1. Avoid gatherings. Do not go to areas with high epidemics. Reduce going out and avoid going to crowded places.

2. Often wear a mask. You must wear a mask when you go out. You can use a disposable medical surgical mask or a disposable medical protective mask. The mask should be replaced in time when it gets wet.

3. Wash your hands frequently. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap (hand sanitizer) and running water after going out and going home, before meals and after going to the toilet, nursing patients, and touching animals. If there is no hand-washing facility, use paper towels to wipe the obvious dirt, then replace it with cleaning products such as hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes, and wash your hands as soon as possible after returning home.

4. Do not touch game. Do not touch and eat wild animals, and avoid contact with livestock. Separate cutting boards, knives, and storage utensils for raw and cooked food, and wash hands between raw and cooked food. Cook food thoroughly, especially meat and eggs before eating.

5. Maintain good habits. Do not spit, use tissues or bend your elbows to cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

6. Open windows for ventilation. Keep the environment clean, ventilate the room frequently, and open windows for ventilation at least twice a day.

7. Enhance immunity. Eat a reasonable diet, quit smoking and limit alcohol, exercise moderately, mentally balance, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

8. See a doctor in time. If you have fever or respiratory tract infection symptoms, please go to the fever clinic of the local medical institution in time and wear a mask.


Section 2 Do personal protection

1. Under what circumstances need to wear a mask

Wearing a mask is an effective means to block the spread of respiratory secretions.

1. Wear a mask when you go to the hospital to see a doctor or visit a patient, especially when you go to the fever clinic or the respiratory department of the hospital.

2. When taking public transportation during the season with high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases; when going to crowded places, such as supermarkets, shopping malls, theaters, etc., when you need to stay in a relatively closed or crowded space for a long time; same study and work When someone in the city has a cold, it is recommended to wear a mask when in close contact with the patient or suspected patient.

3. In order to prevent the spread of the disease to others, you should wear a mask in time when you have symptoms of respiratory diseases such as fever, cough, and runny nose.


Second, how to choose a mask

There are many types of masks, such as industrial and medical. At present, our common masks mainly fall into 4 categories:

1. Ordinary degreased gauze masks cannot prevent infection and are not recommended.

2. Disposable medical masks.

3. Disposable medical surgical masks. The mask consists of three layers: the outer layer blocks water to prevent droplets from entering the mask; the middle layer filters particles; the inner layer can absorb moisture.

4. Disposable medical protective masks, which we usually call N95 masks, require a filtration effect of 95%, as well as surface moisture resistance and synthetic blood blocking properties.

Residents can use medical surgical masks for daily protection. Pay attention when buying, you should choose a mask with the words "Medical Surgical Mask" clearly marked on the outer packaging.


3. Wear your mouth correctly as usual

Wash your hands before wearing a mask. Avoid touching the inner side of the mask with your hands during the process of wearing the mask to reduce the possibility of contamination of the mask.

Distinguish the inside, outside and top of the mask: the light-colored side is the inner layer, which should be close to the mouth and nose, and the dark side facing out; one end of the metal strip (nose clip) is above the mask. Don't wear it backwards, let alone wear it on both sides. The mask should be replaced in time if it is wet, and the mask worn should not exceed four hours as much as possible.

(1) How to wear disposable medical masks and disposable medical surgical masks

1. Fully unfold the folded surface, paying attention to the gentle movement.

2. Cover the nose, mouth and chin with the mask. If it is a lace-up type, the upper strap of the mask is tied to the top of the head, and the lower strap is tied to the back of the neck; if it is an ear-hanging type, hang it directly around the ear.

3. Put the tips of your fingers on the nose clip and adjust the nose clip according to the shape of the nose bridge.

4. Check whether the edge of the mask fits the face.

(2) How to wear disposable medical protective masks

1. Hold the protective mask with one hand, with the nose clip facing outward. Cover the nose, mouth, and chin with the protective mask, and the nose clip should be close to the face upward.

2. With the other hand, pull the lower strap over the top of the head and place it under the ears behind the neck.

3. Pull the upper strap to the middle of the head.

4. Put the tips of your fingers on the metal nose clip, start from the middle position, press the nose clip inward with your fingers, and move and press to the sides respectively, adjust the nose clip according to the shape of the nose bridge.

(3) How to take off the mask

1. Do not touch the outside of the mask (contaminated surface).

2. Untie the lower strap first, then the upper strap: pinch the strap of the mask with your fingers and throw it into the medical waste container.

3. Wash your hands after removing the mask.


Section 3 Good Hygiene Practice

1. Wash your hands properly

Wash your hands promptly when preparing food, before and after meals, going home, touching garbage, petting animals, caring for patients, etc.

When washing your hands, pay attention to washing your hands with running water and soap (hand sanitizer). The whole process lasts for 30 seconds, and the rubbing time is no less than 15 seconds.

You can use the seven-step handwashing method.

The first step: rub your palms. Facing palms together, fingers close together and rub each other.

Step 2: Rub the back of your hands. The palms of the opponent's backs are rubbed together along the finger seams, and the exchange is carried out.

The third step: clear finger joints. Facing palms, cross your fingers and rub each other.

The fourth step: wash your fingertips. Arch your hands and wash your fingertips thoroughly.

The fifth step: wash the thumb. Finger wash with one hand and the other hand

Step 6: Wash your fingertips. Rub your fingertips against the palm of your other hand.

Step 7: Wash your wrists. Hold the wrist of the other hand with one hand and rotate it to scrub.

If there is no hand-washing facility, you can wipe the obvious dirt with a paper towel, then replace it with cleaning products such as hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes, and wash your hands as soon as possible after you go home.


2. Cough and sneeze etiquette

1. When coughing and sneezing, try to avoid crowds, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief, and avoid covering your mouth and nose with your hands.

2. If you cannot find a handkerchief or paper towel temporarily, you can cover your mouth and nose with your hands instead of the inside of your sleeves. After bending your elbows, cover your mouth and nose.

3. Throw away the used tissues in the trash can.

4. Wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing or use a disposable disinfectant to disinfect your hands.

5. Do not speak too loudly in daily speaking, and avoid "spitting and flying".


3. Indoor clean, open windows for ventilation

1. Indoor hygiene should adopt wet cleaning method to avoid dust caused by broom cleaning. When disinfecting, you should clean first and then disinfect, read carefully and strictly follow the instructions for use of the disinfectant.

2. Pay attention to indoor ventilation, open windows for ventilation at least twice a day, 15-30 minutes each time. Keep warm when opening windows in winter to avoid catching cold.